August 31, 2018
Dreaming in golds and hints of green. Urban Decay Eyeshadow single in Sideline. @urbandecaycosmetics #urbandecay #urbandecaymakeup #ud #udjunkie #urbandecaycosmetics #eyeshadow #beautycommunity #makeupoftheday #motd #motdmakeup #makeupoftheday #makeupofinsta #flatlay #makeupflatlay #slaytheflatlay #prettihaus #makeuptowakeup #sideline #borntorun #beauty
#urbandecay, #urbandecaymakeup, #ud, #udjunkie, #urbandecaycosmetics, #eyeshadow, #beautycommunity, #makeupoftheday, #motd, #motdmakeup, #makeupoftheday, #makeupofinsta, #flatlay, #makeupflatlay, #slaytheflatlay, #prettihaus, #makeuptowakeup, #sideline, #borntorun, #beauty

All about eyes today with NYX cosmetics


More Kat von D? Yes! Plums and browns with Metal Crush Eyeshadow in 'Raw Power', the Shade + Light Eye Quad in 'Plum', the Shade + Light Eye Contour Brush, Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in 'Bow 'n' Arrow', and the Shade + Light Eye Contour Palette!


As the weather turns deeper, so do lips. Bite Beauty points reward from Sephora in Kir Royale.